
  • Content Development

    Launched three columns and contributed hundreds of daily/weekly installments to MSN channels on Health & Fitness, Money, Real Estate, Tech and others.

  • Healthcare Editor

    Wrote and edited for several outlets at NYU Langone Health. If you need to restore your faith in humanity, talk with a few dozen world-class physicians.

  • App Content Lead

    Language and UE logistics for a personal safety app planned by Axon, maker of the TASER. Project was shelved but it was a great experience with a fiercely talented team.

  • Editor In Chief

    Former editor of Guitar Magazine. In first year as EIC, subscriber sales increased by 22%, ad revenue by 8%. Met all my guitar heroes.

  • Business Writer

    From credit risk to data mining and Sarbanes-Oxley, dozens of research- and interview-based pieces were developed for the consultants at Navigant (now Guidehouse) and other thought leaders.

  • Science Editor

    Video, web and e-book content developed for The VisualMD, a health resource utilizing striking anatomical visualizations.

  • Copywriter

    Collaborated on positioning and messaging decks for this fintech startup.

  • Legal Marketing

    Working chiefly with my friends at Deborah Gaines Associates, supported several major firms with legal content and website development.

  • Founding editor

    When music-industry giant Billboard wanted to reach younger readers, I helped plan, staff, and launch two student magazines.

  • Museum Planning

    For client GES, I helped conceptualize a pitch to Rolling Stone for a walk-through museum exhibit. No sale. :(

  • Managing Editor - books

    Dozens of titles shepherded from concept to completion for Hal Leonard Pubs and its imprints. Coordinated authors, graphic artists and book packagers.

  • "Long Story Shorter Maker"

    That’s my actual title at TrueFire, the top learning platform for musicians. One fun project was planning and launching their blog.