Rich maloof

Rich is Deputy Director of the non-profit Senate Presidents’ Forum and has a deep professional history as a writer and musician. His work has been published extensively online and in print. “Print” was a format for putting words on something called paper.

Things change.

(rĭch muh-lOOf)

non-profit leadership

Senate Presidents’ Forum

SPF gathers the leaders of state senates for educational sessions. At our forums, legislators from across the U.S. identify actionable solutions to critical issues in their home states.

We create an environment that for 30 years has encouraged open dialogue and the sharing of knowledge across state lines.

Articles • Projects • Books


Tiles A and B are the same color. I didn’t believe it, either. Then I learned about the brain and developed a column for Microsoft.

When Billboard wanted to reach a young demographic, I put together a team and was Founding Editor for a new monthly student magazine.

Twelve titles published as author or co-author, including several instructional books for musicians.


Tracks and related work

Playing music opens so many doors — to opportunities, to new ways of thinking and relating to people. I continue to find it rewarding and challenging. Plus, I never really could throw a football.

Solo acoustic

Sputnik 5

with Guitar Garden

Don’t quite know yet